You can search by (part of) the surname and/or first name. A search is made for the people whose surname and/or first name contains the string of letters (at least 3) that you entered. If you also search for prefixes at the same time, you will be left with those people whose prefixes contain the letter string you entered. In addition to the prayer card, the personal data can also come from other source documents or from civil status certificates. For each person you can see which source documents we have for him/her: birth announcement, wedding card, prayer card, obituary, obituary, photo of gravestone. The scan of the obituary, obituary or photo of the gravestone can be viewed immediately via the website, if stated. If you would like to make corrections or additions to the data shown by us, we would be happy to do so! You can email this to info@archiefrkfriesland.nl, preferably stating your personal number.To send a copy or scan of a prayer card, obituary or obituary, please contact the Archive and Documentation Center for R.K. Friesland. The costs are € 2.50 per copy or scan, excluding shipping costs. In case of orders (or other correspondence) from the persons concerned, please state the personal numbers. (After you have made your assignment known, copies or scans of the indicated prayer cards, obituaries and/or obituaries will be sent to you, including information about how - and how much - you must pay) |